Iowa DOT News

More than two dozen Iowa rail crossings to be upgraded

AMES, Iowa –Motorists can expect increased safety at 26 highway-railroad crossings around the state. The Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) will spend
$4 million among 26 locations to install new signals or upgrade existing signals that warn motorists of the presence of a train.  Significant decreases in train-vehicle crashes have been noted at crossings where upgrades have been previously installed. A list of the specific locations for the planned installations can be found at The Iowa DOT expects to have all installations completed within two years. 

Funding for the upgraded signals was approved by the Iowa Transportation Commission at its February meeting. The signals will be installed with federal rail crossing funding that pays 90 percent of the cost of the signals, with the railroad, city or county paying the 10 percent match. 

The majority of the upgraded signal locations will be outfitted with flashing lights and gate arms. Installing these safety features can reduce the likelihood of a crash by up to 90 percent.

The Iowa DOT will also provide funding to pay for the cost of yield signs to be installed below the crossbuck sign at some crossings without active signal devices. The use of yield signs will reinforce the message to motorists that they must look for and yield to a train. 


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