Iowa DOT News

Preferred bridge types for Iowa River bridge in Iowa Falls to be discussed Feb. 21

AMES, Iowa – The preferred bridge type alternatives for the Iowa River bridge on U.S. 65 in Iowa Falls will be discussed at a public meeting Thursday, Feb. 21, according to the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT). The alternatives to be discussed were chosen as a result of a November 2007 public meeting on the bridge replacement project.

The Iowa DOT will hold the meeting at the Gentle Student Center, 1200 Main St. in Iowa Falls. The public is invited to attend anytime between 5 and 6:30 p.m.

No formal presentation will be made at this meeting; however, details of the proposed improvement will be discussed. Iowa DOT staff members will be available to present related information and discuss the proposal informally with interested citizens.

Through traffic would be detoured during construction. The public will have an opportunity to discuss alternative detour routes.

General information about the project is available from Tony Gustafson, assistant District 1 engineer, 1020 S. Fourth St., Ames, IA 50010, telephone 515-239-1635 or 800-899-0623 or E-mail [email protected].


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