Iowa DOT News

Proposed intersection reconstruction at Iowa 2 and Iowa 5 in Centerville to be discussed March 6

AMES, Iowa – The proposed intersection reconstruction at Iowa 2 and Iowa 5 in Centerville will be discussed at a public meeting in Centerville Thursday, March 6, according to the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT).

The Iowa DOT will hold the meeting in the Centerville City Council Chambers, 312 E. Maple St . The public is invited to attend anytime between 5 and 7 p.m.

No formal presentation will be made at this meeting; however, details of the proposed improvement will be discussed. Iowa DOT staff members will be available to present related information and discuss the proposal informally with interested citizens.

During construction, through traffic would be maintained in each direction by the use of temporary signals.

General information about the project is available from Pete Tollenaere, assistant District 5 engineer, P.O. Box 587, 307 W. Briggs, Fairfield, Iowa 52556-0587, telephone 800-766-4368 or 641-472-4171, or by E-mail at [email protected].



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