Iowa DOT News

Work zone safety news conference June 30

Contact: Dena Gray-Fisher at 515-239-1922 or [email protected]

AMES, Iowa – Work zone safety will be more important than ever in Iowa this construction season in light of the significant amount of flood-damaged infrastructure requiring repair. The Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) will hold a news conference to discuss Sections 8 and 35 of House File 2651 signed by Governor Chet Culver April 25. This legislation increases the fines for speeding in a work zone and provides for the replacement of the current work zone signs.

The news conference details are as follows:

DATE: Monday, June 30, 2008
TIME: 10 a.m.
LOCATION:  Iowa DOT Sign Shop, Ames

DIRECTIONS:  (click here for map)
From Lincoln Way, go south on Oak Avenue, cross South Fourth Street, and turn left into the driveway.  The DOT sign shop is the second building on the east. 


  • Nancy Richardson, director, Iowa DOT
  • Danny Homan, president, American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Iowa Council 61
  • Burt Ostert, Safety Committee chair, Associated General Contractors

The Iowa DOT is inviting media, key legislators involved in adoption of the legislation and several state and local "front line" road workers who experience the unsafe conditions caused by drivers speeding through road work zones.

The event will include a tour and rare glimpse of the DOT's sign manufacturing facility. Sample road signs will be available for photographing.




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