Iowa DOT supporting Ames’ free summer transit service
AMES, Iowa, - May 19, 2009 – As one of the largest employers in Ames and a proponent of passenger transportation options, the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) has joined CyRide, the city of Ames’ transit service, in their campaign to increase ridership and reduce pollution.
CyRide’s Fare Free Summer promotion, Be a Part of Something Big, started Friday, May 15, and continues through Aug. 15. This is an opportunity for anyone who lives or works in Ames to try CyRide’s services at no cost, for as many times throughout the summer as they would like.
In addition to saving riders a lot of cash, taking the bus means cleaner air for everyone. Each time someone chooses the bus, they prevent hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides from polluting the air. For every person that rides CyRide to and from work this summer, 750 pounds of carbon monoxide can be prevented from entering the air. If just 10 percent of Ames residents ride the bus this summer, more than 3.8 million pounds of pollutants can be stopped from going into our environment.
“This is a great opportunity for Ames residents to give our great passenger transportation system a try,” said Michelle Mc Enany, director of the Iowa DOT’s Office of Public Transportation. “Riding the bus can significantly reduce your carbon footprint.”
Here are just a few ways that Ames residents can “be a part of something BIG” this summer.
- If you live in Ames, ride CyRide to and from work each day.
- Ride your bike to the transit stop, place it in the bike rack on the front of the bus and ride to your destination. (Bike racks are currently available on all routes except the Orange route from Iowa State Center. That bus will be equipped with bike racks this summer.)
- Take the bus to the new aquatic center when it opens later this summer on the new Aqua Route.
- Ride the bus to visit a friend or family member.
- Try the bus by making a trip to the grocery store or mall.
For more information about the summer promotion, visit CyRide’s Web site at: or call 515-292-1100.