Iowa DOT News

Iowa DOT seeks bids for repairing Iowa 2 #MoRiver

AMES, Iowa – Sept. 30, 2011 – The Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) is soliciting bids from qualified contractors to grade and replace paved sections of Iowa 2 damaged by the Missouri River flooding. 

The project, located in Fremont County, extends from the Missouri River (near Nebraska City, Neb.) east to east of Interstate 29. Bids are due Wednesday, Oct. 5.

Interested contractors can receive complete details by visiting Bid Express or; the bid order number for this project is 101. To obtain a bid proposal, the plan and any other necessary bid documents, contact the Iowa DOT’s Office of Contracts at 515-239-1414.

Iowa 2 has been closed since June 18 due to the Missouri River flooding, which caused significant damage to the roadway, bridges, shoulders and foreslopes, guardrail and other infrastructure.

Due to the criticality of this roadway to southwest Iowa and the multistate region, and importance of economic recovery following the flooding, the Iowa DOT has included an incentive/disincentive provision in the bid proposal to accelerate construction.


Media contact:  Dena Gray-Fisher, 515-239-1922 or [email protected]


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