Iowa DOT News

Decorah area drivers cautioned about passing a stopped school bus

MASON CITY, Iowa – March 19, 2012 – Several recent close calls reported by bus drivers in the Decorah area have prompted the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) to clarify a specific instance where all vehicles must stop for a stopped school bus. 

The Decorah locations most reported by school bus drivers are both west of Decorah on Iowa 9, near the U.S 52 intersection. This is a three-lane roadway with two lanes of traffic westbound and one lane eastbound. By law, both directions of traffic are required to stop when a bus is stopped with the flashing beacons activated and the “stop” arm extended. The locations, one of which is a daycare, to be especially mindful of are both are within 2.5 miles of the Iowa 9 intersection with U.S. 52. 

  • Westbound Iowa 9 at mileposts 256.13 and 256.73: Student bus pickup stops are on the north side of the roadway at both locations.  

The law regarding vehicles stopping for school buses can be found in Iowa Code 321.372. It says drivers on three-lane roadways, including two-lane roadways with a center turning lane or an outside climbing or turning lane, must obey the same provisions of the law applicable to travel on a two-lane roadway. Driver’s should also never pass on the right.  Report violations of the school bus passing law to local law enforcement. 

The Iowa DOT is in the process of replacing or erecting “Unlawful to Pass Stopped School Bus From Either Direction” signs near these locations. 


Contact: Robert Clark at 641-423-8516 or [email protected]







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