Iowa DOT News

Public input sought on state transportation planning process

AMES, Iowa – Sept. 20, 2012 – The draft State Public Participation Process for Transportation Planning document is available for public review and comment. The Iowa Department of Transportation developed this public participation process to document the ways in which Iowans have the opportunity to help identify transportation issues, needs and priorities; plan how to meet those needs and priorities; and select transportation projects that turn the plans into reality. This means: 

  1. Information and opportunities for public involvement will be provided continuously throughout the planning and programming process.
  2. Information will be widely distributed.
  3. Comments will be sought and encouraged from the public, including transportation disadvantaged individuals and groups.
  4. Public comments, suggestions and concerns will be listened to and considered when transportation decisions are made. 

The Iowa DOT is working with many partners to involve the public in transportation planning. Iowa’s nine metropolitan planning organizations and 18 regional planning affiliations are also taking steps to inform the public about and involve them in metropolitan and regional transportation planning. 

Transportation planning at the state level will tie regional and metropolitan plans together into a single, statewide vision for the future. The Iowa DOT will coordinate state and local public participation activities where possible, eliminate duplicative efforts, and share the information and ideas. Iowa will continue to review the public participation process for effectiveness and update when necessary.

The Iowa DOT is seeking public review and comments on this draft State Public Participating Process for Transportation Planning. The document can be found at Comments are due by Nov. 5, 2012, and may be submitted via email to [email protected] or mailed to the following location.

Iowa Department of Transportation
Office of Program Management
Attn: Zachary Bitting
800 Lincoln Way
Ames, Iowa 50010


Following review and consideration of all public comments, the document will be finalized and remain available at the same website address provided above. 


 Contact: Zachary Bitting at 515-239-1351 or [email protected]




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