Travelers Thanked for Their Patience and Cooperation During Iowa Storm #iatraffic
AMES, Iowa – Jan. 30, 2013; 4:15 p.m. update – The moderate to heavy snow has ended in Iowa, only lingering flurries are expected through the rest of the day. Travelers should continue to exercise caution throughout the evening and overnight hours as strong winds, blowing snow and frigid temperatures are forecast.
The Iowa Department of Transportation expresses its appreciation to those who heeded the travel advisories and exercised patience during traffic interruptions.
The Iowa DOT also wishes to thank its thousands of Facebook and Twitter followers and contributors who played an important role in Iowa’s Traffic Information Social Media Network by keeping travelers informed and safe during the storm.
Communications staff are resuming their normal public information and social media monitoring hours (business days 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.). Staff look forward to serving you again, whenever there is a major winter storm, disaster and other emergency.
Highway maintenance crews will continue to provide service, as warranted, throughout the evening. Please give them some extra room so they can work to restore roads to normal winter driving conditions.
To stay informed 24/7 about road conditions, visit or call 511 in Iowa or 800-288-1047 nationwide. Find out how to follow us on Twitter, Facebook or on your mobile device by visiting this website.