Iowa DOT News

Iowa Transportation Commission Approves Grant for Ottumwa

AMES, Iowa – June 11, 2013 – Today, the Iowa Transportation Commission approved a Revitalize Iowa's Sound Economy (RISE) Immediate Opportunity grant application submitted by the city of Ottumwa. Up to $1,172,195 will be made available to assist in the construction of a right-turn lane on U.S. 34 and reconstruction of approximately 2,500 feet of Iowa Avenue from U.S. 34 north to Kay Avenue located on the east side of town. This project is anticipated to be completed by August 2014.

The improvements are necessary to provide improved access to Cargill Meat Solutions and will support the creation of 120 new jobs along with nearly $96 million in associated capital investment. This company is a producer and marketer of food, agricultural, financial and industrial products and services.

The improvements will also provide improved access to more than 36 acres for future manufacturing and industrial development.

The application was approved for up to $193,689 from the county share of the RISE Fund and $978,506 from the city share of the RISE Fund or up to 80 percent of the total RISE-eligible project cost, whichever is less.


For more information, contact: Craig Markley at 515-239-1027 or [email protected]


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