Interstate 35 traffic resumed #iatraffic
AMES, Iowa – Feb. 21, 2014 – 7 a.m. – North- and southbound I-35 traffic has resumed between the U.S. 30/I-35N and I-35S/U.S. 18 interchanges. The road was previously closed due to crashes on the roadway. Blowing and drifting snow was preventing tow trucks from being able to clear the area.
While the roadway is open, it remains completely snow and ice covered. Visibility in the area is low due to high winds and blowing snow.
Iowa traveler information is available 24/7 by visiting the winter driving resources listed under the travel section of the Iowa DOT website, Or simply call 511 (within Iowa) or 800-288-1047 (nationwide). Stay connected with 511 on Facebook or Twitter at
For media access to an Iowa DOT Highway Division spokesperson during this winter event, call 515-233-7960.