Iowa DOT News

Brief road closures on northbound I-35 set for Nov. 30 near Ames to test automatic gates #iatraffic

AMES, Iowa – Nov. 25, 2014 – Minor traffic delays may be encountered on northbound Interstate 35 at exit 111 near Ames while Iowa Department of Transportation maintenance staff, in conjunction with the Iowa State Patrol, test the automatic gate closures at approximately 6  a.m. Sunday, Nov. 30, according to the Iowa DOT’s District 1 Office in Ames.

Northbound I-35 will likely be closed for a few minutes and traffic will wait for the road to be reopened. However, if testing of the automatic gate closures requires additional time or the gates need adjustments, traffic would be routed around the closure using a signed detour. If needed, the detour route would have northbound I-35 traffic use the off-ramp at exit 111B and travel west on U.S. 30, then north on Dayton Avenue, and then east on East 13th Street to northbound I-35 at exit 113.

For images and additional details on the automatic interstate closure gates go to


Contact: Lance Starbuck at 515-239-1634 or [email protected]



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