Iowa DOT News

Corridor goals for U.S. 30 and Iowa 17 corridor to be discussed Aug. 18 in Boone

AMES, Iowa – Aug. 12, 2015 – The city of Boone and the Iowa Department of Transportation have partnered to review traffic operations, safety, and future corridor goals for U.S. 30 and Iowa 17 in the vicinity of Boone. A public information meeting is planned for Tuesday, Aug. 18, at the Boone City Hall Auditorium, Second Floor, 923 Eighth St. between 5 and 6:30 p.m.

The meeting will be conducted using an open forum format. No formal presentation will be made. City and Iowa DOT staff will be present to discuss both highway corridors under review.

For the U.S. 30 study area, the purpose will be to update citizens and stakeholders on study background data and public survey results, and obtain feedback regarding potential corridor modifications. This feedback will be used to evaluate intersection/roadway alternatives and develop recommendations for short- and long-term U.S. 30 corridor improvements.

For the Iowa 17 study area north of U.S. 30, the purpose will be to discuss public survey results, environmental constraints, and obtain feedback regarding corridor safety, operations, and railroad crossings. Potential improvements to be analyzed on this corridor may include intersection geometry and/or roadway realignment alternatives, as well as a grade separation over the Union Pacific Railroad Co.’s property.

If you have questions, or cannot attend the meeting but would like to provide input, please contact Wayne Schwartz, city engineer, 515-432-4211, email at [email protected] or Scott Dockstader, Iowa DOT District 1 engineer, 515-239-1635, email at [email protected].




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