Iowa DOT News

Media invited to Roadcheck 2016 June 7-9 in Jasper County

ANKENY, Iowa – May 26, 2014 – Thousands of commercial motor vehicles loaded with everything from paper products to windmill parts travel across North American highways every day.

In Iowa, it’s up to the Iowa Department of Transportation’s Office of Motor Vehicle Enforcement officers to inspect these commercial motor vehicles and assure the drivers are operating safely.

While the media doesn’t often get the chance to see Iowa’s officers in action, one targeted enforcement effort each year puts all MVE officers on the road and keeps one Iowa inspection scale open for 72 hours straight. These inspections are part of an international event, called Roadcheck, which takes place June 7-9 throughout the United States, Canada, and Mexico.

Media outlets are invited to take a closer look at how these safety inspections are carried out during this event. In Iowa, MVE officers will be on duty from June 7-9 at the Iowa DOT’s scale on Interstate 80 in Jasper County.

Roadcheck 2016 will promote both safety and security on North American highways through the inspection of commercial vehicles and drivers. Truck and bus safety inspectors will be on the job night and day during the 72-hour period checking vehicles and their drivers at inspection sites along major highways. In addition, roving patrols will inspect vehicles and drivers traveling other highways. Roadcheck 2016 also will place special emphasis on ensuring compliance for vehicles transporting hazardous materials. 

During the event, trained inspectors will be checking critical safety elements on the vehicles, as well as determining drivers’ fitness for duty. Although motor vehicle enforcement officers perform this work day in and day out, the annual Roadcheck event garners attention for year-round commercial vehicle and driver safety inspections and other driver safety programs aimed at saving lives on North American highways.

MVE Officers will also be making drivers aware of the potential signs of Human Trafficking and what the drivers can do if this activity is suspected.  Each driver will be given a Truckers Against Trafficking wallet card which provides them with the Human Trafficking Resource Center hotline 888-3737-888 and some guidelines on what information to report. Commercial vehicle drivers are a great partner in assisting law enforcement to battle this crime.         

To set up a time to come to the Jasper County Scale please contact Captain Chris Moline at 515-297-0709 or email [email protected]              



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