Iowa DOT News

February 2017

Ramp closures at I-80/I-480/U.S. 75 interchange and southbound I-480 begin March 6 #iatraffic

February 28, 2017

The Iowa Department of Transportation is sending the following information as a courtesy to the Nebraska Department of Roads. Feb. 27, 2017 (Omaha, Neb.) — Extended closures of southbound Interstate 480 ramps to eastbound I-80 and southbound U.S. 75 begin Monday, March 6, at 10 p.m. The ramps are scheduled to open prior to the College World Series, which begins Saturday, June 17. These extended ramp closures are necessary for bridge deck repairs with a 3-inch asphalt overlay on waterproofing...

Proposed improvements at I-35/80 and Iowa 141 interchange (Rider Corner) in Polk County to be discussed March 9 in Urbandale

February 23, 2017

AMES, Iowa – Feb. 23, 2017 – The Iowa Department of Transportation will hold a public information meeting Thursday, March 9, to discuss the proposed improvements at the Interstate 35/80 and Iowa 141 interchange (Rider Corner) in Polk County. All interested persons are invited to attend this meeting anytime between 5 and 6:30 p.m. at the Giovannetti Community Shelter in Walker Johnston Park, 8900 Douglas Ave., in Urbandale. The meeting will be conducted utilizing an open forum format. Iowa DOT...

Iowa DOT seeks public input on State Transportation Plan

February 22, 2017

AMES, Iowa – Feb. 22, 2017 – The Iowa Department of Transportation and Iowa Transportation Commission are seeking public input regarding the long-range transportation plan for Iowa: Iowa in Motion 2045. The plan provides a framework for how future investments should be made to Iowa’s multimodal transportation system. A public input meeting will be held Tuesday March 21, 2017, from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Meeting details, including location, will be advertised at a later date. The Iowa DOT will be...

Actions taken by the Iowa Transportation Commission at its Feb. 14 meeting in Ames

February 14, 2017

AMES, Iowa – Feb. 14, 2017 – The Iowa Transportation Commission approved the following items during its meeting Tuesday, Feb. 14, in the Materials Conference Room at the Iowa Department of Transportation’s headquarters at 800 Lincoln Way in Ames. Order number Title Actions taken Presenter D-2017-43 Approve Minutes of the Jan. 10, 2017, Commission Meeting Approved Danielle Griggs, Commission secretary, 515-239-1919 D-2017-44 Commission Meeting Dates for June 2017 through May 2018 Approved Danielle Griggs, Commission secretary, 515-239-1919 PPM-2017-45 Administrative Rules:...

Iowa Transportation Commission to meet in Ames Feb. 14

February 9, 2017

AMES, Iowa – Feb. 9, 2017 – The Iowa Transportation Commission will hold its next business meeting Tuesday, Feb. 14, in the Materials Conference Room at the Iowa Department of Transportation’s headquarters at 800 Lincoln Way in Ames. Business meeting agenda Time Title Presenter 11 a.m. *Approve Minutes of the Jan. 10, 2017, Commission Meeting Danielle Griggs, Commission secretary, 515-239-1919 Commission Comments Staff Comments 11:05 a.m. *Commission Meeting Dates for June 2017 through May 2018 Danielle Griggs, Commission secretary, 515-239-1919...

Iowa Mississippi River Parkway Commission to meet Feb. 13 in Muscatine

February 6, 2017

AMES, Iowa – Feb. 6, 2017 – The Iowa Mississippi River Parkway Commission (MRPC) will meet Monday, Feb. 13, at Muscatine History and Industry Center, 117 W. Second St., in Muscatine. Iowa Mississippi River Parkway Commission Agenda 10:00 a.m. Roll call Welcome and Introductions *Approval of Dec. 12, 2016, meeting minutes 10:15 a.m. *Treasurer report and approval *Budget planning for 2017 Interpretative center staff update *MRPC 2017 meeting schedule – March 20, April 21 (Paducah, Ky.) 10:30 a.m. Planning for...

Tow to Go Launches in Iowa Beginning Super Bowl Weekend

February 1, 2017

Note: This news release is being redistributed by the Iowa Department of Transportation as a courtesy to the Iowa Department of Public Safety as part of the Zero Fatalities Program. Free Program Provided to All Iowans to Help Reduce Impaired Driving Broadcast Quality B-Roll (Click here) Broadcast Quality SOTS (Click here) BURNSVILLE, MN. (February 1, 2017) – Traffic fatalities in Iowa jumped from 315 in 2015 to more than 400 in 2016 with numerous high-profile impaired driving crashes. To help...


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