June 2017
AMES, Iowa – June 30, 2017 – The Iowa Mississippi River Parkway Commission (MRPC) will meet Monday, July 17, 2017, at the Lansing Community Center, 395 Main St., in Lansing. Iowa Mississippi River Parkway Commission Agenda 10 a.m. Roll call Welcome and introductions Interpretative center staff update *Approval of June 19, 2017, meeting minutes 10:15 a.m. *Treasurer report and approval *Budget amendment for 2017 *Budget planning for 2018 *MRPC meeting schedule – Aug. 21, Sept. 21, Nov. 20 10:30 a.m....
MANCHESTER, Iowa – June 29, 2017 – Road grading work for the future Southwest Arterial along U.S. 61/151 in Dubuque will require temporarily closing both north- and southbound U.S. 61/151 to traffic for approximately 20 minutes intermittently between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. on various Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays during the month of July, weather permitting, according to the Iowa Department of Transportation’s Manchester construction office. U.S. 61/151 will be closed from the intersection with Elmwood Drive to the intersection...
AMES, Iowa – June 29, 2017 – The Iowa Department of Transportation is conducting a planning study of Interstate 380 between Cedar Rapids and Iowa City. The study will be developed and released through a series of technical reports that identify the existing condition of I-380, the way the system is performing, short- and long-term issues, and strategies to improve the route. Each report will be accessible online as it becomes available on the Iowa DOT’s I-380 Planning Study website...
SIOUX CITY, Iowa – June 28, 2017 – The new northbound Interstate 29 Nebraska Street off-ramp (exit 147B) in Sioux City will be opened to traffic at 5 p.m. this Friday, June 30, weather permitting, according to the Iowa Department of Transportation’s Sioux City construction office. At 6 a.m. on Wednesday, July 5, the contractor will close the northbound off-ramp (exit 148) to Wesley Parkway so reconstruction work can take place on the northbound I-29 mainline. Motorists wanting to go...
The Iowa Department of Transportation is sending the following information as a courtesy to the Nebraska Department of Roads. June 27, 2017 (Omaha, Neb.) — Extended closures of the westbound Interstate 80 ramp to northbound I-480, northbound U.S. 75 ramps to westbound I-80 and northbound I-480 and the F Street entrance ramp to northbound U.S. 75 are scheduled to close on Wednesday, July 5, at 10 p.m., according to the Nebraska Department of Roads. These extended ramp closures are necessary...
MASON CITY, Iowa – June 22, 2017 – The next phase of construction for the Iowa 3 reconstruction project in Waverly will require shifting traffic to the new outside lanes in the downtown area starting Monday, June 26, weather permitting, according to the Iowa Department of Transportation’s Mason City construction office. Flaggers and a pilot car will direct traffic through a single-lane work zone from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday, June 26, until Friday, June 30. Traffic will be...
AMES, Iowa – June 20, 2017 – All Iowa Department of Transportation business locations, including the Iowa DOT’s driver’s license stations and the vehicle permit center will be closed Tuesday, July 4, in honor of Independence Day. The locations will resume regular hours of operation on Wednesday, July 5. Many people may be able to complete driver’s license business online at www.iowadot.gov or at one of the conveniently located self-service kiosks. Kiosk users should check the host location's holiday schedule...
AMES, Iowa – June 19, 2017 – The Iowa Department of Transportation is requesting public input on the proposed improvements to U.S. 52/Iowa 3 from 0.7 mile north of Boy Scout Road to the east junction of Pfeiler Road near Rickardsville in Dubuque County. The proposed improvements include the two-lane reconstruction of U.S. 52/Iowa 3 with the addition of 6-foot paved shoulders to allow for improved ride quality, in addition to long-term maintenance and improved safety. A public information meeting...
AMES, Iowa – June 18, 2017 – As part of the ongoing effort to raise awareness of pollinator habitat and preservation, the Monarch Highway is proud to launch its new logo during National Pollinator Week June 18-25, 2017. Iowa is among six state transportation departments and the Federal Highway Administration that signed a memorandum of understanding in 2016 designed to improve pollinator habitat along Interstate 35, a key migratory corridor for monarch butterflies. Signatories include the Federal Highway Administration and...
COUNCIL BLUFFS, Iowa – June 15, 2017 – The southbound Interstate 29 on-ramp at 25th Street (exit 55) will be closed after the morning rush hour Monday, June 19, until approximately late July 2017, weather permitting, according to the Iowa Department of Transportation’s District 4 office. The southbound I-29 traffic will be shifted to the northbound lanes (one lane in each direction) Construction during the 2017 season is part of the Iowa DOT’s Council Bluffs Interstate System Improvement Program, a...