Iowa Transportation Commission to meet in Ames Jan. 9
AMES, Iowa – Jan. 5, 2018 – The Iowa Transportation Commission will hold its next business meeting Tuesday, Jan. 9, in the Materials Conference Room at the Iowa Department of Transportation’s headquarters at 800 Lincoln Way in Ames.
Business meeting agenda Tuesday, Jan. 9
Time |
Title |
Presenter |
3:30 p.m. |
*Approve Minutes of the |
Danielle Griggs, |
Commission Comments |
Staff Comments |
*Administrative Rules |
Melissa Spiegel, director, |
*Calendar Year (CY) 2018 Intercity Bus Program |
Ryan Ward, |
*Statewide Transportation Alternatives Program Funding |
Craig Markley, director, |
*Federal Recreational Trails Program Funding Recommendations |
Craig Markley, director, |
*Iowa’s Clean Air Attainment Program Funding Recommendations |
Deb Arp, |
3:40 p.m. |
Adjourn |
*Action item |
Tuesday, Jan. 9
Informal workshop session
The Commission will meet informally with staff from the Iowa DOT beginning at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 9, in the Materials Conference Room at the Iowa DOT’s headquarters in Ames.
The following transportation-related matters may be discussed, but no action will be taken during the meeting. The items are listed in no particular order and may be discussed at any point during the workshop.
- Commission input
- Director’s report
- Administrative Rules
-761 IAC 520, Regulations Applicable to Carriers - Future Commission meeting dates
- Asset management
- 2018 Highway Program balance report
- Grant program recommendations (The recommendations were discussed during the December workshop and can be viewed online at the websites listed below.)
-CY 2018 Intercity Bus Program (
-Iowa’s Clean Air Attainment Program (
-Statewide Transportation Alternatives Program (
-Federal Recreational Trails Program (
- Federal-aid swap policy recommendation
Editor’s note: There are two ways to listen to the Iowa Transportation Commission’s informal workshop session or business meeting or public input session when scheduled. The broadcast feed and phone lines are active 15 minutes prior to each meeting or session and discontinued immediately after a meeting ends.
- Live audio and some presentation materials will be available via the Skype meeting link.
- For those who wish to only join via audio, dial 515-817-6093 and use conference ID 57904722.