Iowa DOT News

Iowa DOT offers additional travel options for travelers between Sabula, Iowa and Savanna, ILL. during bridge construction project

SABULA, Iowa – June 8, 2018 – An earlier than anticipated closure of the U.S. 52 bridge in Sabula, coupled with construction delays has lead the Iowa DOT to offer additional travel options for those working to cross the Mississippi River between Sabula, Iowa, and Savanna, Ill.

Monday, June 11 - Complimentary transit bus service will be offered in the following locations. (1) Lake and Sycamore (Sabula), (2) MacLean-Fogg 2551 Wacker Road (Savanna), (3) Elkay Manufacturing Co. 6400 Penn Avenue (Savanna), and (4) Sullivan’s Foods 217 Chicago Avenue (Savanna). Stops run from approximately 5:50 a.m. – 6:40 p.m. on weekdays and 7:50 a.m. – 6:40 p.m. on weekends.  Service is being offered on a trial basis and will be revaluated based on usage and customer feedback. For more information about this service call (800)-839-5005 (Region 8 Regional Transit Authority).

Tuesday, June 12 - Complimentary vehicular/passenger ferry service is anticipated to be available from noon – 6 p.m. After service launch, services will be available 6:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m., 7-days a week. Watch for signage in the area that will help direct travelers to landing, staging, and parking areas.

In addition, the 36-mile detour utilizing the Iowa 136 bridge in Clinton has been in place since the closure of the U.S. 52 bridge:

Traffic moving from Iowa to Illinois - Take U.S. 67 south to Iowa 136 east in Clinton, crossing the river on the Iowa 136 Bridge. Take IL 84 north to connect with U.S. 52 in Savanna, IL.

Traffic moving from Illinois to Iowa – Take IL 84 south to Iowa 136 west, crossing the river on the Iowa 136 Bridge. Take U.S. 67 north to connect with U.S. 52 in Sabula.

The Iowa DOT anticipates the new bridge will open by Labor Day, 2018. The construction schedule is tentative and subject to weather and other conditions. Project information, service interruptions, and construction and mobility updates are made available at

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Contact: Bob Younie at 515-290-2869 or [email protected]


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