Iowa DOT News

Detour update for the proposed bridge improvements on U.S. 20 in Dubuque County  

AMES, Iowa – February 21, 2019 – On January 31, 2019, the Iowa Department of Transportation requested public input on the proposed bridge improvements to U.S. 20 over the Mississippi River, in Dubuque County.  The proposed improvements include upgrading and repairs to the roadway lighting on the bridge. 

As a result of the public input, the Iowa DOT and contractor have agreed to push back the start date of this work to May 28, 2019. Eastbound traffic on U.S. 20 would be detoured during work hours (generally 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. each day) for four to six weeks, using U.S. 61/U.S. 151, Wisconsin 11, and Illinois 35.

For general information or to make a comment regarding the proposed improvements, contact Sam Shea, transportation planner, Iowa DOT District 6 Office, 5455 Kirkwood Blvd. SW, Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52404, phone 319-364-0235 or 800-866-4368, email [email protected].

For information about this project or scheduled public meetings and hearings, and opportunities to offer input to the Iowa DOT during the development of certain projects, visit


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