Iowa DOT News

MEDIA ALERT: Press conference on Parent Supervised Driving Program Tuesday, March 26 in Ankeny

ANKENY, Iowa – March 25, 2019 – The Iowa Department of Transportation, in partnership with the Safe Road Alliance and sponsors State Farm and Toyota have begun offering a new tool to help parents make teaching new drivers simpler, safer, and more effective.

While most parents have driven for a number of years, they are often unsure how to properly pass their knowledge on to new drivers in order to assure the safety of their children behind the wheel. The Parent Supervised Driving Program offers those teaching young drivers innovative strategies and web-based information to improve the learning experience and help the novice drivers be more successful, which in turn makes our roads safer.

The program will be explained and demonstrated at a press conference:

WHEN: Tuesday, March 26 at 12:45 p.m.

WHERE: Iowa DOT Motor Vehicle Division, 6310 SE Convenience Blvd. Ankeny – meet at the back of the foyer inside the main entrance to be escorted to the meeting room.



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