DAVENPORT, Iowa – June 2, 2020 – A project to replace a culvert on Iowa 136 in Goose Lake requires closing the roadway to traffic beginning at 6 a.m. Thursday, June 11, until Wednesday, Sept. 16, weather permitting, according to the Iowa Department of Transportation’s Davenport construction office. Motorists will be detoured around the work zone using a marked detour on Clinton County roads Z-36, F-12, and Z-24. The Iowa DOT reminds motorists to drive with caution, obey the posted...
AMES, Iowa - June 2, 2020 -The Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) will be setting our FFY 2021 - 2023 Annual Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Goals. In establishing our Annual DBE Goal, we are seeking public participation on our annual goal setting process from minority, women’s and general contractor groups, community organizations, and other officials or organizations which could be expected to have information concerning the availability of disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged businesses, and the effects of discrimination on opportunities for...