December 2020
AMES, Iowa– Dec. 16, 2020 – Iowa Department of Transportation and regional transit partners are asking the public to help shape the future of transportation in the Des Moines metro area. To participate, please use our interactive online forum to learn more about future transportation projects in the metro area and provide feedback. Your comments will be accepted until Sunday, Dec. 20. This online forum is part of the Iowa DOT’s larger effort to consider integrated corridor management strategies in...
SIOUX CITY, Iowa – Dec. 15, 2020 – Completion of the reconstruction work on U.S. 75 between Plymouth County Road C-80, near Sioux City, and Plymouth County Road C-60, near Hinton, requires shifting traffic on to the new southbound lanes beginning noon, Tuesday, Dec. 15, weather permitting, according to the Iowa Department of Transportation’s District 3 Office. The Iowa DOT reminds motorists to drive with caution, obey the posted speed limit and other signs in the work area, and be...
ANKENY, Iowa – Dec. 15, 2020 – Many of our normal routines have been disrupted due to the pandemic. The Iowa Department of Transportation is reminding you to make sure that your driver’s license or identification card was not something that was put off this year. You are encouraged to: Check the expiration date on your card. As a reminder, your driver’s license remains valid for driving privileges 60 days after the expiration date. If your card has expired or...
AMES, IOWA – Dec. 14, 2020 – All Iowa Department of Transportation locations will be closed Thursday and Friday, Dec. 24-25, 2020, and Friday, Jan. 1, 2020, for the Christmas and New Year’s holidays. All Iowa DOT driver's license service centers will also be closed Saturday, Dec. 26, 2020, and Saturday, Jan. 2, 2021. Appointments are required for driver's license and ID services and can be made at Many people may be able to complete driver’s license business online...
AMES, Iowa –Dec. 8, 2020 – Today, the Iowa Transportation Commission approved $7,506,000 in total funding for 26 separate projects from Iowa’s Traffic Safety Improvement Program. The program was created in 1987 for the purpose of increasing traffic safety on all of Iowa’s roadways. This funding is available for use on city, county, or state roads through an annual application process. The map below shows project locations for FY 2022 Traffic Safety Improvement Program. The complete list of projects can...
AMES, Iowa – Dec. 8, 2020 – The Iowa Transportation Commission approved the following items during its meeting via teleconference today in Ames. Business meeting actions taken Tuesday, Dec.8 Order Number Title Action taken Presenter D-2021-30 Approve Minutes of the Nov. 10, 2020, Commission Meeting Approved Danielle Madden, Commission assistant, 515-239-1919 MV-2021-31 Administrative Rules -761 IAC 401, Special Registration Plates Approved Melissa Gillett, director, Motor Vehicle Division, 515-237-3121 MV-2021-32 Administrative Rules -761 IAC 405, Salvage Approved Melissa Gillett, director, Motor...
AMES, Iowa – December 8, 2020 – The Iowa Department of Transportation is requesting public input for proposed highway improvements on Iowa 92 from east of U.S. 218 to 2nd Street, in Columbus Junction, and public input on the project’s right-of-way needs and off-site detour. The proposed 8.7-mile project will remove the existing pavement and reconstruct mainline pavement and shoulders to provide a 24-foot-wide roadway with 10-foot-wide shoulders. The proposed project includes geometry improvements to curves and intersections to modernize...
ATLANTIC, Iowa – Dec 8, 2020 – Debris removal from a previous traffic incident will cause Iowa 2 to be closed in both directions east of Sidney between Fremont County roads L-68 (330th Avenue) and M-16 (370th Street) from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Dec. 8, weather permitting, according to the Iowa Department of Transportation’s District 4 Office. During this closure, traffic will be directed around the work zone using U.S. 275, U.S. 34, and U.S. 59. The Iowa DOT...
AMES, Iowa – Dec. 7, 2020 – The Iowa Transportation Commission will hold its next business meeting via teleconference on Tuesday, Dec. 8, 2020. Business meeting agenda Tuesday, Dec. 8, 2020 Time Title Presenter 1:00 p.m. *Approve Minutes of the Nov. 10, 2020, Commission Meeting Danielle Madden, Commission assistant, 515-239-1919 Commission Comments DOT Staff Comments *Administrative Rules -761 IAC 401, Special Registration Plates Melissa Gillett, director, Motor Vehicle Division, 515-237-3121 *Administrative Rules -761 IAC 405, Salvage Melissa Gillett, director, Motor...
AMES, Iowa – Dec. 1, 2020 – Due to technical difficulties the Diesel Emission Reduction Act Program (DERA) has extended its deadline to Dec. 21, 2020. The Iowa Department of Transportation is now accepting grant applications for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Fiscal Year 2020 Diesel Emission Reduction Act Program (DERA) for diesel fleets in the state of Iowa. As part of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, DERA is designed to achieve significant reductions in diesel emissions among on-road...