Iowa DOT News

January 2022

MAASTO expands truck weights to speed disaster relief - Iowa proactively agrees to regional emergency strategy

January 26, 2022

January 26, 2022 For Immediate Release Contact: Alex Jansen at 515-237-3270 or [email protected] MAASTO expands truck weights to speed disaster relief Iowa proactively agrees to regional emergency strategy Extreme flooding, tornadoes, the COVID pandemic, and other disasters have demonstrated the importance of the trucking industry to deliver life-saving and sustaining relief supplies. The state departments of transportation comprising the Mid America Association of State Transportation Officials (MAASTO) have proactively agreed to expedite the movement of emergency supplies across state lines...

Public comments needed for proposed Iowa 3 project impacting the Heritage Trail and Pohlman Prairie in Dubuque County  

January 25, 2022

AMES, Iowa – January 25, 2022 – The Iowa Department of Transportation is proposing to reconstruct Iowa 3, from just south of County Road C9Y in Sageville to 0.7 mile north of Boy Scout Road, in Dubuque County. To facilitate this project, the Iowa Department of Transportation is proposing to temporarily close a portion of the Heritage Trail and access to the Pohlman Prairie Preserve. The Heritage Trail and Pohlman Prairie Preserve are publicly owned and operated by Dubuque County...

Iowa DOT joins Nebraska DOT and Omaha/Council Bluffs metro organizations to take a stand against speeding for Speeding Awareness Week

January 24, 2022

AMES, Iowa – Jan. 24, 2022 – The Iowa and Nebraska departments of Transportation, the City of Omaha, and more than 20 agencies and organizations are asking motorists to watch their speed by joining their voices together in a public education campaign to emphasize that following posted speed limits is critical to driver, passenger, pedestrian, and cyclist safety. Beginning Jan. 24, you’ll be seeing messages related to “Speeding Awareness Week” on social media, digital ads, and dynamic message signs around...

Actions taken at Iowa Transportation Commission Wednesday, January 12

January 12, 2022

AMES, Iowa – Jan. 12, 2022 – The Iowa Transportation Commission approved the following items during its meeting today in Ames. Business meeting actions taken Wednesday, January 12 Order Number Title Action taken Presenter D-2022-47 Approve Minutes of the Dec. 14, 2021, Commission Meeting Approved Danielle Madden, Commission assistant, 515-239-1919 MV-2022-48 Administrative Rules 761 IAC - 607 – Commercial Driver Licensing Approved Melissa Gillett, director, Motor Vehicle Division, 515-237-3121 TD-2022-49 Statewide Transportation Alternatives Program Funding Recommendations Approved (Link to news...


January 12, 2022

AMES, Iowa – Jan. 12, 2022 – Today, at their meeting in Ames, the Iowa Transportation Commission approved an amendment to the highway section of the 2022-2026 Iowa Transportation Improvement Program (Program). The amendment is possible due to additional highway funding expected to be available later this fiscal year from the federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021. In order to put this funding to work quickly across the state, the Commission approved this amendment to add projects to...

Iowa Transportation Commission approves Iowa's Clean Air Attainment Program funding

January 12, 2022

Ames, Iowa – Jan. 12, 2022 – Today, the Iowa Transportation Commission approved $4 million in total funding for 10 projects from Iowa's Clean Air Attainment Program. The program was created in 1994 for the purpose of reducing transportation-related congestion and air pollution. This funding is available to cities, counties, transit agencies, metropolitan planning organizations, regional planning affiliations, state agencies, and nonprofit organizations through an annual application-based program. The projects and approved funding amounts are listed below. #6 Brown, Night...

Iowa Transportation Commission approves Federal Recreational Trails Program funding

January 12, 2022

AMES, Iowa – Jan. 12, 2022 – Today, the Iowa Transportation Commission approved $1,279,200 in total funding for six federal Recreational Trails Program projects. The federal Recreational Trails Program was created in 1991 for the purpose of developing and maintaining recreational trails and trail-related facilities for both motorized and nonmotorized trail users. This funding is available to cities, counties, state and federal agencies, and private organizations through an annual application-based program. The projects and approved funding amounts are listed below....

Iowa Transportation Commission approves statewide Iowa’s Transportation Alternatives Program funding

January 12, 2022

AMES, Iowa – Jan. 12, 2022 – Today, the Iowa Transportation Commission approved $984,213 in total funding for four statewide Iowa’s Transportation Alternatives Program projects. This program supports projects such as trails, Safe Routes to School, National Scenic Byways, and the preservation or rehabilitation of historic transportation facilities. The majority of Iowa’s Transportation Alternatives program funding is distributed to Iowa’s metropolitan planning organizations and regional planning affiliations for the selection of local projects. The Commission awards Transportation Alternatives projects annually...

Federal requirements for new commercial drivers take effect Feb. 7

January 12, 2022

ANKENY, Iowa – Jan. 12, 2022 – The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration is set to implement new training requirements for first-time commercial driver’s license (CDL) applicants and some drivers who wish to upgrade existing commercial driver’s licenses. Beginning Feb. 7, 2022, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration will require drivers in all states across the U.S. who wish to do any of the following to complete these training requirements. Apply for a Class A or Class B CDL for...

Iowa Transportation Commission to meet January 12

January 6, 2022

AMES, Iowa – Jan. 6, 2022 – The Iowa Transportation Commission will hold its next business meeting on Wednesday, Jan. 12, 2022, in the Materials Conference Room at the Iowa Department of Transportation’s headquarters at 800 Lincoln Way in Ames. The public may attend in-person; however, participation via conference call or Teams is still encouraged to minimize the number of in-person attendees. Face coverings are not required and left to the discretion of each individual. Business meeting agenda Wednesday, Jan....


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