Iowa DOT News

Public comments needed for proposed Iowa 3 project impacting the Heritage Trail and Pohlman Prairie in Dubuque County  

AMES, Iowa – January 25, 2022 – The Iowa Department of Transportation is proposing to reconstruct Iowa 3, from just south of County Road C9Y in Sageville to 0.7 mile north of Boy Scout Road, in Dubuque County. To facilitate this project, the Iowa Department of Transportation is proposing to temporarily close a portion of the Heritage Trail and access to the Pohlman Prairie Preserve.

The Heritage Trail and Pohlman Prairie Preserve are publicly owned and operated by Dubuque County Conservation. The proposed roadway reconstruction project will improve drainage and slope stabilization along the roadway as well as the Heritage Trail and Pohlman Prairie Preserve. To facilitate this work, temporary and permanent easements will be required from both the Heritage Trail and Pohlman Prairie Preserve. In addition, the portion of the Heritage Trail that parallels Iowa 3, from Clay Hill Road to Burton Furnace Road, will be temporarily closed during construction of the project. During this closure, a detour will be provided along Burton Furnace Road, which will be improved to meet trail standards. The access to the Pohlman Prairie Preserve will also be closed while the adjacent portion of Iowa 3 is reconstructed. During this time, there will be disruptions of access to the preserve. The project will take two construction seasons to complete.

Both the Heritage Trail and Pohlman Prairie Preserve have been determined to be Section 4(f) resources and the project is expected to have de minimis impact on the area.

Section 4(f) of the U.S. Department of Transportation Act of 1966 was enacted as a means of protecting publicly owned parks, recreation areas, and wildlife/waterfowl refuges, as well as historic sites of local, state, or national significance from conversion to transportation uses. De minimis impacts are defined as those that, after consideration of any measure(s) to minimize harm (such as avoidance, minimization, mitigation, or enhancement measures), do not adversely affect the activities, features, and attributes of the Section 4(f) resource.

The public is invited to review the impacts of the proposed project on the protected activities, features, and attributes of the trails by doing any of the following;

  • Visiting
  • Mailing a request for information to: Emily Geralds, Location and Environment Bureau, Iowa Department of Transportation, 800 Lincoln Way, Ames, Iowa 50010.
  • Calling 515-239-1999 to request information.
  • Sending an email request for information to: [email protected]

The public comment period ends February 10, 2022. Comments may be submitted through the online comment form at:


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