Tell us what you think about a proposed new interchange on Interstate 29 in Woodbury County
AMES, Iowa – May 20, 2024 – Tell us what you think about the proposed new interchange on Interstate 29 at 235th Street in Woodbury County (Event # 5927).
As part of this project, 235th Street will be paved from Port Neal Road to Woodbury Count Road K-45. A portion of 235th Street will be realigned as a part of the project. The railroad crossing on 235th Street and the intersection of 235th Street and Woodbury County Road K-45 will be reconstructed. A southbound right turn lane will be added to Woodbury County Road K-45 at the 235th Street intersection. Construction will take place starting in the spring of 2026 and be completed by the fall of 2027.
Traffic will be maintained on Interstate 29. A portion of 235th Street will be closed but local access will be maintained. Work at the intersection of Barker Avenue and 235th Street will be staged so local access can be maintained to Barker Avenue. Woodbury County Road K-45 will be detoured during the reconstruction of the intersection with 235th Street.
Learn about the project and share your feedback. You will need to provide your name and zip code before viewing the information.
For questions about the project or for free translation services, contact:
Shane Tymkowicz, P.E., assistant district engineer
Iowa DOT District 3 Office
6409 Gordon Drive, Sioux City, Iowa 51106
Phone 712-274-5834 or 712-261-0405, email [email protected]
Mark Nahra, P.E.
Phone 712-873-3215 or email [email protected]
Favor de notificar la persona listado arriba si necesita información en otro idioma o si necesita un traductor. Se lo proporcionaremos sin costo a usted.
Iowa DOT ensures nondiscrimination and equal employment in all programs and activities in accordance with Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and other nondiscrimination statutes. If you need more information or special assistance for persons with disabilities or limited English proficiency, contact Iowa DOT Civil Rights at 515-239-1111 or by email at [email protected].