Public Involvement Projects

Iowa 2, Fremont County

Attention icon This page is no longer being updated. Please go to News Publication for all meetings after April 23, 2024.

About the Project

The Iowa Department of Transportation is holding this online public involvement meeting in response to safety concerns as a result of the Covid 19 epidemic. We would prefer to meet with you in public to discuss the proposed project on Iowa 2 in Fremont County. We welcome your questions, concerns and input.

Project description

The Iowa Department of Transportation is proposing to reconstruct Iowa Highway 2 from 0.8 mile east of Missouri River to the existing Horse Creek bridges, in Fremont County, Iowa.

The project will provide for reconstructing the four-lane roadway and constructing new dual overflow bridges at two locations along the project corridor. The roadway will be constructed on its existing horizontal alignment; however, the vertical profile will be raised in order to reduce future flood related closures.

The two new bridges, which are intended to allow for the conveyance of flood water under the roadway, will consist of dual 327-foot x 40-foot continuous concrete slab (CCS) bridges. The project will also provide for armoring the new bridge abutment berms and the ground underneath the bridges with revetment, new bridge approaches, new guardrail, and paved shoulders 20 feet beyond the ends of the guardrail.

Iowa 2 will be reconstructed with a four-lane cross-section. The typical cross-section of eastbound/westbound Iowa 2 adjacent to the bridge will consist of two 12-foot wide travel lanes with 6-foot wide inside shoulders (6-foot paved) and 10-foot wide outside shoulders (6-foot paved and 4-foot granular).

Two-way traffic will be maintained at all times throughout the project.

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Project contact

Scott Suhr, transportation planner
Iowa DOT District 4 Office
2210 E. Seventh St.
Atlantic, Iowa 50022
[email protected]

If you received a letter in the mail or saw an Advertisement, please know that the comment deadline is May 21 and not May 14.

Deadline for receipt of comments is May 21, 2020; however, all correspondence received after this date will be included in the project files and reviewed as the project is developed. To submit a comment online about this project, go to:

Iowa DOT ensures nondiscrimination and equal employment in all programs and activities under Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and other nondiscrimination statutes. Contact Iowa DOT Civil Rights at 515-239-1111 or [email protected] if you have questions or concerns.

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