U.S. 69 Online Meeting

About the Project
Online meeting
Project description
The Iowa Department of Transportation is requesting public input for proposed road, bicycle, and pedestrian alternatives on U.S. 69 from the Warren County Line in Des Moines to I-80 in Polk County.
The U.S. 69 Location Study is evaluating existing and future multimodal operations as well as safety and reliability. Focused, concept-level projects to specific areas along the corridor will be identified. These projects will balance needs and improve safety for motorists, pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit users.
The Iowa DOT is providing two online meeting formats for public input: live and at your own pace. If you do not have access to the internet, or need assistance viewing the materials, please contact the DOT representative listed below.
Live online meeting (works best using Chrome):
Date/Time: November 30, 2020 / 5:30 p.m. Live meeting
Video of live meeting
At your own pace online meeting (works best using Chrome):
Date/Time: Anytime between November 30 – December 14, 2020
Description: Experience a self-guided tour of proposed alternatives and submit comments and questions at any time during the comment period.
Project displays
Project contact
Tony Gustafson, P.E., district engineer
Iowa DOT District 1 Office
1020 S. Fourth St.
Ames, Iowa 50010
Phone: 515-239-1635 or 800-899-0623
Email: [email protected]
Deadline for receipt of comments is Dec. 14, 2020,; however, all correspondence received after this date will be included in the project files and reviewed as the project is developed. To submit a comment online about this project, go to: http://bit.ly/iowadot3548.