Notice of highway corridor preservation for Interstate 380, Johnson and Linn County

About the Project
Project description
The Iowa Department of Transportation is providing public notice of the corridor preservation for the Interstate 380 corridor from approximately one mile north of Forevergreen Road to U.S. 30, in Johnson and Linn County. Width of the corridor preservation zone varies depending upon location within the corridor. Corridor preservation is a tool the Iowa DOT uses to preserve land for future highway needs. It does not restrict development in any way, but merely offers the DOT a chance to review the proposed development when notified by the city or county.
The Iowa DOT implemented corridor preservation for this project on July 29, 2021. It is the intent of the Iowa DOT to continue to utilize corridor preservation for this project. The Iowa DOT may need to acquire additional right of way or property rights within this designated area.
This notice shall be valid for a period of three years from the date of public of notification and may be refiled by the Iowa DOT every three years.
Project contact
Catherine Cutler, transportation planner
Iowa DOT District 6 Office
5455 Kirkwood Blvd. SW
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52404
Email: [email protected]
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