Public Involvement Projects

Interstate 80 rest area, east of Victor on eastbound I-80

About the Project

Project description

The Iowa Department of Transportation is requesting public input for the proposed improvements and right of way needs to the Interstate 80 rest area, east of Victor on eastbound I-80, approximately 2.25 to 2.8 miles east of Iowa County Road V-38 interchange, in Iowa County.

The Rest Area Management Plan identified the need for additional truck parking at this rest area. The purpose of the project is to add truck parking spaces, a truck inspection area on the east end of the rest area, and new sidewalk connections to the new rest area building. The existing rest area includes parking spaces for 22 trucks, 85 passenger cars, and 3 accessible paces. These will be replaced with new parking spaces for 40 trucks, 47 passenger cars, and 4 accessible spaces. The rest area will remain open during construction, with trucks prohibited during a portion of the construction.

Construction of the project is expected to begin in 2023.

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Project contact

Catherine Cutler, transportation planner
Iowa DOT District 6 Office
5455 Kirkwood Blvd. SW
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52404
Phone: 319-364-0235 or 800-866-4368
Email: [email protected]

Deadline for receipt of comments is December 16, 2021; however, all correspondence received after this date will be included in the project files and reviewed as the project is developed. To submit a comment online about this project, go to: .

We are piloting REACH a mobile web app that gives you a new way to stay involved and interact with Iowa DOT projects. Create your REACH account at this link:, use the REACH app to easily submit comments, register for public meetings or view the “At Your Own Pace” online meetings without logging into the system again. Because it’s optimized for use on a mobile device, commenting and keeping up to date on Iowa DOT projects will be more convenient than ever.

Iowa DOT ensures nondiscrimination and equal employment in all programs and activities under Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and other nondiscrimination statutes. Contact Iowa DOT Civil Rights at 515-239-1111 or [email protected] if you have questions or concerns.

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