Public Involvement Projects

Proposed improvements for the Boyson Road Interchange

Attention icon This page is no longer being updated. Please go to News Publication for all meetings after April 23, 2024.

The Iowa DOT will hold a virtual and in person public information meeting to discuss the proposed rebuild of the Boyson Road Interchange.

In-person meeting

When: September 29, 2022 between 5 and 6:30 p.m.
Location: Hiawatha City Hall, 101 Emmons Street, Hiawatha
Description: Iowa DOT staff will be present to discuss the proposed new interchange. No formal presentation will be made. The meeting space is accessible for persons with disabilities. However, if you require special accommodations at the meeting, please notify the contact listed below by September 13.

Virtual presentation

When: Anytime between September 29 (around Noon) – October 13, 2022
How to Attend:
Description: Experience a self-guided tour of the proposed improvements and submit comments and questions at any time during the comment period. If you need assistance viewing the materials, please contact the DOT representative listed below. If you would like to receive future email notifications, or submit a comment or question regarding this project, go to: Comments are due by October 13.

Depending on COVID conditions, in your community, the meeting may need to be moved completely online. If that happens, updates will be found on this page.

Comments and questions regarding this project should be received by
October 13, 2022.

Web App for Projects

Find this project on our REACH app, which allows you to easily comment on projects and quickly register for public meetings.

Project contact

If want more information about the project or need help for persons with disabilities or limited English skills, contact:

Cathy Cutler, Transportation Planner
Iowa DOT District 6 Office
5455 Kirkwood BLVD SW, Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52404
Phone 319-364-0235
Email: [email protected]

We are piloting REACH a mobile web app that gives you a new way to stay involved and interact with Iowa DOT projects. Create your REACH account at this link:, use the REACH app to easily submit comments, register for public meetings or view the “At Your Own Pace” online meetings without logging into the system again. Because it’s optimized for use on a mobile device, commenting and keeping up to date on Iowa DOT projects will be more convenient than ever.

Iowa DOT ensures nondiscrimination and equal employment in all programs and activities under Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and other nondiscrimination statutes. Contact Iowa DOT Civil Rights at 515-239-1111 or [email protected] if you have questions or concerns.

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