Transit Announcements
April 1, 2024
The Iowa DOT’s Public Transit Bureau covered several topics in a presentation to Iowa Public Transit Association (IPTA) members, as part of the IPTA Legislative Meeting, held March 27. If you were unable to attend, you are encouraged to view the presentation linked below. Iowa DOT Presentation to IPTA
June 15, 2023
The Iowa DOT’s Public Transit Section covered several topics in a presentation to Iowa Public Transit Association (IPTA) members, as part of the IPTA Mid-Year Meeting, held June 7-9. If you were unable to attend, you are encouraged to view the presentation linked below. Iowa DOT Presentation to IPTA
March 23, 2023
The Iowa DOT’s Public Transit Team covered several topics in a presentation to Iowa Public Transit Association (IPTA) members, as part of the IPTA Legislative Meeting, held March 22. If you were unable to attend, you are encouraged to view the presentation linked below. Iowa DOT Presentation to IPTA
July 14, 2022
The Iowa DOT’s Public Transit Bureau covered several topics in a presentation to Iowa Public Transit Association (IPTA) members, as part of the virtual IPTA Mid-Year Meeting, held July 6-8. If you were unable to attend, you are encouraged to view the presentation linked below. Iowa DOT Presentation to IPTA
March 8, 2022
The Iowa DOT’s Public Transit Bureau covered several topics in a presentation to Iowa Public Transit Association (IPTA) members, as part of the IPTA Legislative Meeting, held March 7. If you were unable to attend, you are encouraged to view the presentation linked below. Iowa DOT IPTA Legislative Presentation
June 24, 2021
The Iowa DOT’s Public Transit Bureau covered several topics in a presentation to Iowa Public Transit Association (IPTA) members, as part of the virtual IPTA Mid-Year Meeting, held June 23-25. If you were unable to attend, you are encouraged to view the presentation linked below. Iowa DOT Presentation to IPTA