Ream Lazaro will be instruction a half-day calss on the Employee's Guide to System Security on January 29, 2004. The training will be held at the Center for Transportation Research (CTRE) located at 2901 South Loop A, Suite 3100, Ames, Iowa from 8:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Click here for a map to CTRE. Violence in the Transit Workplace training will cover:...
A 150 day extension has been granted for the effective date of the new Head Start regulations that were to have taken place this following Tuesday, January 20th. These are the regulations that require safety restraints and monitors on all buses transporting Head Start children. The new effective date is June 21, 2004. Additionally, Head Start grantees have the opportunity...
Monday, February 16, 2004, MIS Reports are due. The link to submit your MIS via Internet reporting is If you have questions, please contact Donna Johnson at 515-233-7875. A copy of Donna's note to all transit managers is attached below. mis_due_2-16-04[1].doc
FY2005 STA Projections We've finally gotten through all the clean-up of the FY2003 statistics so that we can get you information on your STA allocations for FY2005. For anyone new, please realize that, because STA is a revenue-based appropriation, the information we are giving you is the percentage your system will receive out of the available STA formula monies in...
The FFY2004 DBE Form is now available as a word fillable form on line. Please click here for a direct link to the form. For instructions on how to fill out the form, please click here. Completed DBE forms should be submitted to the Office of Public Transit c/o Donna Johnson by Friday, January 23. The worksheet covers DBE contracting...
The DOT has a training opportunity for you that we are sure you will want to take advantage of. Ream Lazaro will be instructing a half-day class on the Employee's Guide to System Security on January 29, 2004. The class is limited to 30 participants, so please sign up quickly to make sure you get registered for this class. OPT...
The dates for the 2004 DOT autcitons have been set. They are as follows: April 24th - small equipment auction June 5th - vehicle auction September 11th - small equipment auction October 23rd - vehicle auction For more information, contact Mike Holl, Iowa DOT Procurement & Distribution, Equipment Services section, at 515/239-1576.
STA allocations are always projections, since STA payments are revenue-based. For the last three years there have also been legislative adjustments to consider. The adjustments passed by the 2003 session of the legislature amounted to $215,233 per month based on the month that taxes are collected by vendors being removed from STA. The Governor later added an across-the-board 2.5% adjustment...