By now all 35 transit systems should have received a System ID and password to access the new on-line transit operations reporting system. If you have not, please contact Pam Lee as soon as possible at 515-239-1872. First and second FY04 quarterly reports should be entered into this system. Please note that only whole numbers are accepted in the system....
FTA Publishes Partial FY04 Apportionments On Wednesday, FTA published apportionments based on the enactment of the FY04 Omnibus Appropriations three weeks earlier. As expected, because the federal transportation programs are not authorized beyond February 29th, FTA could only give firm apportionments of about half of the total appropriated funding. Although they also published projections of what the full-year apportionments would...
Click here for a copy of the news release "Coordination between transit agencies and schools leads to better transportation options for Iowa kids." For a copy of the report go to
On Wednesday, the Senate Banking Committee marked up their Reauthorization proposal for public transit programs called the Federal Public Transportation Act of 2004. Yesterday on the floor of the Senate it was amended into the Highway reauthorization bill, which came out of a different committee and which will serve as the Senate's main reauthorization vehicle. I have had a chance...
Sign up now to attend a FREE 1/2 DAY Training Seminar WHO: Transit mangers, operations managers, safety officials, risk managers, human resource professionals, and supervisors. Please invite your subcontractors as well. (Each class can hold up to 30 participants.) WHAT: FREE 1/2 day Seminar: Toolbox for Transit Operator Fatigue: Putting the Report into Action Workshop Presented by Mr. Clyde Earl,...