The House Transportation and Infrastructure (T&I) Committee reported out HR3550, a revised version of their TEA-LU reauthorization bill, last week. It drops the total six year authorization to $275 billion from their original figure of $375 billion in an effort to compromise with the President, whose people have been saying he will veto anything over $256 billion. (The Senate has...
Applications for New JARC Projects to be Accepted through July 15th FTA's Job Access/Reverse Commute (JARC) program provides one of the few opportunities to fund expansion of public transit services. Currently about 15 systems have participated in the program. The nature of their projects is quite varied. Many have used the JARC program to offer transportation opportunities during evening or...
The National Transit Institute is presenting a FREE course ($450 for consultants & contractors) entitled "Metropolitan Transportation Planning" in Shoreview, Minnesota, on May 11-13, 2004. Attached below is information about the course and a Registration Form. If you are interested in attending, please complete and fax the registration form to 732-932-1707 as soon as possible. Transit training fellowship funding would...
Drug and Alcohol Supervisory Training will be held at the Des Moines Airport, Conference Room 2, on Monday, March 22. Class starts promptly at 1 p.m. Please contact Jeanette Scoles, HIRTA executive director, to sign up. Her number is 515-256-5680. Registration is FREE, but you must register to attend. This training opportunity is also open to your subcontractors and they...
The National Transit Institute is presenting a FREE training course entitled "Managing the Cost of ADA Paratransit" in Iowa on May 12 and 13, 2004, This two-day training addresses management, planning, and service delivery methods that public transit agencies can use to comply with the paratransit requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act, while retaining control of budgets. Training will...