Public Involvement Projects

April 2004

Impact of Child Restraint Legislation on Public Transit

April 21, 2004

I've had several inquiries as to how the recently passed child restraint amendments will impact Iowa transit systems. SF 2066, which passed both houses of the legislature and was recently signed by the governor, amends Section 446 "Child restraint devices," and Section 445 "Safety belts and safety harnesses--use required" of chapter 321 of the Iowa Code. It raises the age...

STA Update, Transit Districts, DBE Reports Due

April 21, 2004

STA Update Good News! The legislature went home last night without doing anything about State Transit Assistance. This means they left in place the legislation from two years ago that said that, as of July 1, transit's share of revenues under the motor vehicle use tax established under the Code of Iowa will stop going through the state's general fund...

Statewide DBE Goal Approved by FTA

April 15, 2004

The Federal Transit Administration (FTA), Office of Civil Rights, recently approved the Iowa Department of Transportation’s (IDOT) Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) goal for federal fiscal year 2004. Our weighted DBE goal is 0.7%, which is 0.6% Race Neutral and 0.1% Race Conscious. Attached is a copy of the Department’s analysis and methodology for federal transit projects as approved by FTA....

DBE Reports Due April 30th

April 15, 2004

DBE awards and commitments reporting form and instructions for completing the form are available on U.S. DOT's Web site. You can access them directly by using the following hot links: Print the DBE reporting form and submit your semi-annual report, covering the dates of October 1, 2003 through March 31, 2004, to Donna Johnson by April 30th. If...

Free Operator Fatigue Seminar

April 5, 2004

The national Transit Institute is presenting a FREE Course ($350 for consultants & Contractors) entitled: Toolbox for Transit Operator Fatigue: Putting the Report into Action Workshop. The seminar will be held at the Des Moines MTA, 1100 MTA Lane, Des Moines, IA. Two classes are being offered: April 28, 2004, 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. and April 29, 2004, from 10:00...


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