Public Involvement Projects

July 2004

STA Formula Proposal Presentation & Comments

July 29, 2004

On Tuesday August 3, 2004, a meeting will be held to discuss the proposed changes in the STA distribution formula. This meeting will be in the Materials Conference room at the Iowa DOT beginning at 10:00 a.m. If you would like to preview the presentation that will be used at the meeting a copy of it is posted on the...

Final Authorization of FY04 Transit Funds Passes Congress

July 23, 2004

After last minute offers that might have resulted in a significantly smaller reauthorization bill were put forward from conference committee representatives from both houses, but just didn't go anywhere, over night Congress passed another short-term extension of TEA-21. They only extended the highway program authorization through September 24th, but authorizations for public transit and other modal programs were extended through...

JARC Application Schedule

July 13, 2004

Pam and I completed our analysis of the JARC application materials received last week prior to FTA’s application cutoff. From our analysis, it did not appear that we needed to tap into the new funds to meet anyone’s needs through the end of this calendar year. There appears to either be more than sufficient funds in the applicants’ current contracts...

JARC, Opportunities for Special FTA Programs, New Debarment Rules, FTA Launches Procurement News

July 9, 2004

JARC Application Deadline Extended Earlier this year we indicated that we would give systems until July 15th to submit requests for this year’s JARC funding. We recently were informed by FTA that applications for the available portion of this year’s JARC funding have to be in to the regional office by this Friday. A survey of those systems who had...


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