Public Involvement Projects

December 2004

Program Projections Updated Based on FTA FY2005 Apportionments

December 30, 2004

FTA published the official FFY2005 apportionments yesterday, so we can replace the estimates that we were all using in our program discussions November 30th. Pam has put together a summary table showing the Iowa transit numbers, by program, out of the Federal Register, plus such features as the intercity bus and planning set-asides out of 5311 and the peer pool...

CY2005 Intercity Bus Projects Approved

December 22, 2004

Iowa DOT Director, Mark Wandro, today approved our calendar 2005 Iowa Intercity Bus Assistance Program which includes $927126 for three recipients: Burlington Stage Lines (dba Burlington Trailways), Jefferson Partners (dba Jefferson Lines), and the City of Fort Dodge (dba DART). The attachment lists the projects as approved. Agreements should be mailed within the week. Projects may begin January 1st. Peter...

Revised FY06 STA Projections & New DBE Goal Information

December 20, 2004

FY2006 STA Projections Corrected Pam reports that as she and our IT support team worked on checking out our new database and how it could feed stats directly into the STA formula, she discovered several minor errors in the data which had been compiled to produce the formula estimates presented at the IPTA meeting on November 30th. She has posted...

FY05 Appropriations Signed

December 10, 2004

On Wednesday, the President signed the Omnibus Appropriation Act, which included the FY05 funding for all domestic programs, including transportation. There was no change from what each house of congress passed before the Thanksgiving break, except that the House had to agree to delete the provision giving some of their committee chairs access to everyone’s personal tax returns. FTA should...

November 30, 2004 IPTA Meeting Presentation

December 1, 2004

The attachments below contain information presented and/or provided at the annual fall Iowa Public Transit Association meeting during the DOT presentation and the funding allocation session. 5310-5311_peerpool_suballocation_analysis_12-1-04[1].xls 5310-5311_rollingstock_11-30-04[1].xls fy05_5307_allocations_12-2-04[1].xls fy05_draft_fta_allocations[1].xls fy05_ptms_capital_11-30-04[1].xls fy05_rollingstock_11-30-04[1].xls fy06_ 5310-5311_projections.xls fy06_prog_guidance[1].pdf opt_pres_11-30-04[1].ppt sta_table_1_fy06.XLS


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