Public Involvement Projects

February 2005

Review Committee Recommends New STA Formula, U.S. House Would Cut Bus Funding

February 25, 2005

STA Review Committee Recommends New Formula As announced in my last letter, during the Iowa DOT session of yesterday's transit legislative meeting, there was a presentation on the new STA distribution formula that the review committee is recommending to DOT. Attached below is a copy of the powerpoint presentation from that event. Durung the meeting it was announced that another...

Propsed STA Formula Revision, President's Budget, Updated FY05 STIP, Fuel Tax Change

February 16, 2005

Review Committee Recommends STA Formula Change The STA Review Committee met last week to review the progress of efforts to revise the formula used to distribute State Transit Assistance. They expressed concern that there has been no visible activity since OPT staff discussed the proposed change with the assembled transit managers in late September. Committee members reiterated their position that...

Upcoming NTI & TSI Training Classes in FTA region VII

February 7, 2005

Complying with Federal Transit Administration's Policy on ITS Architecture Consistency Length: 1 Day(s) Audience: Transit technical managers and supervisors involved in project planning, development and deployment; operations and maintenance managers; representatives from planning agencies and MPOs responsible for articulating regional and local ITS architecture; and state and Federal transportation professionals responsible for providing technical assistance and guidance to grantees relating...

FY2006 Application Package Posted

February 3, 2005

Pam just realized that I had not yet formally notified everyone that the FY2006 application packet has been posted on the website since the end of November. This despite sending out notices of revisions to both the STA and federal funding projections that had been handed out at the November 30th IPTA meeting. And then having to resend that material...


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