Public Involvement Projects

October 2005

ADA Access Requirements for Transit Websites

October 7, 2005

I came across the following in looking through some ADA materials and felt that all Iowa transit systems should be aware of this issue. Note that at the end of the article they’ve provided a link that can evaluate the accessibility of your agency’s site, based on various standards. ADA Transit Case Seeks Accessible Web Remedy by Cynthia D. Waddell,...

Urban ITS Deployment Plan RFP

October 4, 2005

The Iowa Department of Transportation's Request for Proposal for Development of a Intelligent Transportation System Deployment Plan for Large Urban Transit Systems is available at should be directed to Mr. John Hey at 515.239.1653.

Transit Manager Position Available

October 4, 2005

The Regional Transit Authority board in Region 8 earlier this year asked the East Central Intergovernmental Association (ECIA), which serves as both the MPO for Dubuque and the RPA for the region, to consider taking over the administration of the RTA’s regional transit services, in place of Project Concern, which has administered them for the last 22 years. ECIA ended...


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