Public Involvement Projects

February 2006

Train the Trainer course for travel trainers

February 16, 2006

Project Action has announced that they will be presenting their two day train the trainer course persons wishing to do travel training/bus familiarization work in Alexandria VA on May 8-9th. Their course is entitled “People on the Move: Using All Transportation Options (ADA and Beyond…).” The deadline to apply is March 13th. Persons chosen to participate receive a scholarship covering...

Positions Available

February 13, 2006

The City of Iowa City has asked that I pass along a couple of their job postings. One is an opening for a Transportation Planner with JCCOG. The deadline to apply for this position is March 17th. The second is a Senior Civil Engineer. The deadline for applications for the engineering position is coming up this week – February 15th....

Reauthorization Notices [Charter Service, Joint Development Guidance]; CY2006 Drug and Alcohol Testing Rates

February 1, 2006

FTA Issues Notices Related to Reauthorization The January 31, 2006 Federal Register includes two more FTA notices, related to implementing policy changes as a result of SAFETEA-LU: a Notice of Intent to form a negotiated rulemaking advisory committee regarding charter services and a Notice of Guidance and request for comments on Joint Development Guidance., and a Notice of random drug...


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