Public Involvement Projects

October 2006

Des Moines DART Seeking Transit Planner

October 31, 2006

DART has asked that we assist in publicizing their search for a transit planner to replace Shari Atwood, who is moving to a position with Cy-Ride. A copy of the DART job posting is attached below. dart_planner.doc

Iowa Transportation Coordination Council conference set for Nov.1

October 25, 2006

AMES, Iowa – Oct. 25, 2006 – The Iowa Transportation Coordination Council (ITCC) is sponsoring a statewide conference on Mobility Action Planning Nov. 1 beginning at 8:30 a.m. at the Des Moines Marriott, 700 Grand Avenue. This meeting is the first of its kind in the state, and is intended to bring the various stakeholders in human service transportation together...

New Freedom Going to Commission; Statewide MAP Workshop; Needing to Finalize Year-end; FTA Comment Opportunity

October 23, 2006

Commission Will Consider New Freedom Recommendation in November OPT staff completed their review of the New Freedom applications received from Large Urban systems in areas under 200K population and from Small Urban and Regional systems. In seeking departmental approval, however, it was decided that all transit projects would start going to the Transportation Commission again. The Commission will consider the...

PTMS Committee Meeting to be Held November 1, 2006

October 18, 2006

On Thursday November 2, 2006, the PTMS Committee will meet to discuss the capital projects programmed for replacement and the rollingstock listing, both are attached below, along with the PTMS Policy and tentative agenda items. Each committee member has been given a copy of the capital project justifications, provided to the Iowa DOT's Office of Public Transit as part of...

Public Transit Infrastructure Grant Rules Now In Rulemaking Process

October 18, 2006

Per our OPT presentation at the September IPTA meeting, the draft rule is now into the rulemaking process. The one change from what had been recommended by the advisory committee was to specify that projects will be approved by the Iowa Transportation Commission. This will now be the procedure for all transit programs. Peter Hallock, Assistant Office Director Office of...


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