The Office of Public Transit staff covered a great many topics in our presentation to the assembled transit community at the Iowa Public Transit Association’s annual meeting in Des Moines, IA. Anyone who was not able to attend this meeting is especially encouraged to view the attached PowerPoint presentation and to contact any of us if you have questions. Persons...
All Year-end Stats Were Finalized by the Deadline Last Friday It took a lot of scrambling, both here in the Office of Public Transit and out at many of your shops, but everyone got to the point of having their stats finalized by the deadline this year, so we will be able to provide FY2008 funding projections for STA, based...
The Public Transit Infrastructure Grant application and instructions have been posted to at This program includes new construction, reconstruction/major renovation and relocation of facilities. Projects may include, but are not limited to, facilities for the administration of public transit operations, facilities for servicing, maintenance or storage of public transit vehicles, transit vehicle fueling facilities, passenger waiting facilities, reconstruction/major...