At their meeting this morning, the Iowa Transportation Commission gave their blessing to the Department’s slate of Calendar Year 2007 Intercity Bus Assistance projects as well as the Job Access/Reverse Commute projects that resulted from the mid-year solicitation for projects. A listing of the projects included in each of these programs is attached. CY07 ICB Program of Projects.xls FY2007 Mid-yearJARC...
Good News! The required annual random testing rate for use of illegal drugs in public transit has been reduced from 50% of safety-sensitive positions to 25% of your safety-sensitive positions for the 2007 calendar year. This is based on now having two consecutive years of test results with the percent of positives falling below the established thresholds. FTA will be...
STA - We’ve been told by our Office of Program Management that DOT’s official projection for use tax receipts over the next four years is that they will be constant at the level Pam used for the FY08 formula projections. Please also remember the new STA special projects program, which is available to help in funding coordination projects. (The program...