Public Involvement Projects

July 2007

Commission Approves Infrastructure, JARC & New Freedom Projects

July 17, 2007

The Iowa Transportation Commission, at their meeting this morning approved all recommended projects for the FY08 Public Transit Infrastructure Grant program, and for the small urbanized and non-urbanized segments of the FY08 Job Access/Reverse Commute and New Freedom programs. Tables listing the individual projects recommended/approved under each program are attached. Contracts for the Infrastructure projects will be mailed today. Contracts...

Reminder on August 1 Deadline for 2nd Round JARC & New Freedom applications

July 13, 2007

I just wanted to remind everyone that, as we announced during the IPTA meeting, we will accept a second round of applications for any remaining FFY07 JARC and New Freedom funding August 1st. This was done primarily to accommodate those systems whose initial applications could not be approved due to deficiencies with regard to the requirements that all such projects...


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