Public Involvement Projects

September 2007

OPT Presentation from 9/19 IPTA Meeting; FTA Regional Conference materials

September 20, 2007

OPT Presentation from 9/19 IPTA Meeting Attached is the PowerPoint presentation used during the OPT staff issues discussion at the IPTA Legislative Workshop yesterday. If you have any questions about any of the slides or the issues in general, please feel free to call Peter Hallock at 515-239-1765. Program and Registration Materials for FTA Region VII Conference Nov 7-9 As...

HHS Issues Proposed Rules on Medicaid Transportation Brokerages; DBE Goal of 0.4% Recommended for FFY2008

September 4, 2007

HHS Issues Proposed Rules on Medicaid Transportation Brokerages On August 24th, the Center for Medicaid and Medicare Services of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services issued proposed rules implementing the provisions of The Deficit Reduction act of 2005 designed to make it easier for states to establish non-emergency medical transportation brokerage programs. A copy of the NPRM is...


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