Public Involvement Projects

April 2008

New FTA Charter Rule Goes Into Effect in 12 Days

April 18, 2008

New FTA Charter Rule Goes Into Effect in 12 Days We are just twelve days away from the effective date of the new FTA charter rule. Have you checked out FTA’s charter registration website? Have you looked to see how many private operators have registered to-date as willing to serve your community(ies). Have you reviewed the required procedures on notifying...

Coordination Opportunities-- Train the Travel Trainer Course, School Transportation Accessibility RFP

April 17, 2008

One More Plug for Travel Training I think I earlier pointed to the Project Action train-the-trainer course for travel trainers as an excellent opportunity for Iowa transit systems to coordinate with local human service agencies. This is especially a win-win situation for urban transit systems, since travel training can help some of the individuals currently using expensive paratransit services to...

National Conference on Rural Public and Intercity Bus Transportation, Omaha, Nebraska on October 19-22, 2008

April 9, 2008

Iowa transit systems and planning agencies are urged to plan on participating in the TRB Rural public and Intercity Bus Transportation Conference this fall. This is usually a very good conference, and having it in Omaha is about as convenient as you can get, other than when we hosted it in Des Moines back in 1995. Transit training fellowships will...

Midwest Transportation Planning Conference, June 4-6, 2008 in Iowa City

April 9, 2008

Iowa MPOs. RPAs and transit systems are encouraged to consider participating in the up-coming Midwest Transportation Planning Conference, hosted by Iowa DOT and the Johnson County Council of Governments. More information is available on the conference website at: Transit Training Fellowships are available to reimburse 80% of the cost of registration, travel and lodging for up to two participants...


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