Public Involvement Projects

May 2008

National Dump the Pump Day, Thursday, June 19, 2008

May 29, 2008

Join APTA in celebrating the third annual National Dump the Pump day on Thursday, June 19, 2008. The day is designed to encourage people to get out of their cars and ride public transportation to raise awareness of the financial and environmental benefits of public transportation. Public transportation has the ability to save people money, conserve gasoline, and reduce the...

Upcoming Training Opportunity

May 22, 2008

NTI has indicated that they have seats remaining in the course “Building and Retaining Ridership: A Self-Assessment Tool” coming up June 25-26 in Kansas City. I realize that this is at the same time as the IPTA meeting, but if you have anyone from your organization that you would like to send to this course, registration is free and Iowa...

This year's State-wide 5309 Grant Awarded

May 16, 2008

This morning we executed the grant agreement for this year’s state-wide 5309 grant worth almost $7.8 million. I am attaching a listing of the projects which are included in it. Systems with projects should be receiving their subrecipient agreements within the next week. Hopefully most of you have already been working on your procurements, and can get the projects underway...

Advanced Procurement Course Coming, Year-end Payment Requests

May 15, 2008

Advanced Procurement Course Coming in July The second in NTI’s series of courses on procurement procedures will held in West Des Moines, July 21-25. In return for hosting the event Iowa is guaranteed 12 seats for the course. More may be available depending on the number of outside registrations. Registration is free and fellowship assistance is available to cover 80%...

American Public Transportation Association (APTA) Annual Meeting and EXPO

May 15, 2008

October 5-8 the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) will host their Annual Meeting and EXPO in San Diego. For more information, please go to or contact Lesa Rair, Program Manager-Communications and Marketing, American Public Transportation Association,1666 K. Street, NW, Washington, DC 20006-1215, (p) 202-496-4804, (f) 202-496-4321, e-mail [email protected].


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