The Iowa Transportation Commission approved the FY09 Transit Program at their meeting this morning. This includes both programs such as State Transit Assistance and the federal Non-urbanized Formula Program and Special Needs Program, which are distributed based on formulas established in administrative rules. It also includes the state’s Public Transit Infrastructure Grant program, the federal Job Access/Reverse Commute program and...
Announcement of Round 2 Application Deadlines I’ve had a couple of questions about whether there will be a second round of applications for the three programs where the projects recommended to and approved by the Commission did not fully obligate the available funding. The answer is yes. That was discussed with the Commission as part of the presentation of the...
Systems of the Year Those of you who were at the IPTA awards banquet last Thursday night heard who got the Regional and Urban Transit System of the Year awards for FY07, but you didn’t get to hear who else performed well on our two criteria, which are 1) increase in ridership and 2) decrease in cost per ride---because the...
Sorry. When I sent out yesterday’s Update, I meant to include information about the signs Iowa Prison Industries is offering in conformance with the new state anti-smoking law that goes into effect today, as we had discussed at the IPTA conference. I know since the meeting Mark Munson shared with IPTA members an analysis of the impact of the law...