Public Involvement Projects

November 2008

Changes coming based on last week's State Mangement Review

November 26, 2008

Last week's review of Iowa's management of FTA programs went fairly well, but as might be expected there were a few findings that will require some slight changes in our policies and practices. Among the items that will directly affect transit systems are the following: Any system receiving capital assitance for facility construction or improvements will be required to submit...

OPT Presentation to IPTA 11-3-08

November 5, 2008

The Office of Public Transit staff covered a great many topics in our presentation to the assembled transit community at the Iowa Public Transit Association’s annual meeting held in Coralville, IA November 3-5. Anyone who is not able to attend this meeting is especially encouraged to view the attached PowerPoint presentation and to contact any of us if you have...

OPT Presentation to IPTA 11-3-08

November 5, 2008

The Office of Public Transit staff covered a great many topics in our presentation to the assembled transit community at the Iowa Public Transit Association’s annual meeting held in Coralville, IA November 3-5. Anyone who is not able to attend this meeting is especially encouraged to view the attached PowerPoint presentation and to contact any of us if you have...


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