Public Involvement Projects

February 2009

Programming of Transit Stimulus Funds/Programming of 5309/Adjusting PTDPs and TIPs

February 24, 2009

Preliminary Programming of Stimulus Funds FTA has published preliminary apportionments for the stimulus funding, and we are therefore able to provide preliminary lists of proposed programming for Iowa’s Small Urbanized and Non-Urbanized apportionments. Please realize that, should FTA’s numbers change, there will be changes to these lists. Also, it should be noted that FTA has indicated that they are not...

Travel Training Train-the-Trainer Course Available

February 23, 2009

Again this year, Easter Seal’s Project Action is offering a train-the-trainer course for travel trainers. If a candidate is accepted, Project Action pays three nights lodging and all meals during the training. The transit system is responsible for the cost of getting the individual to the training site and other incidentals, including transit fares during the training. The travel can...

Stimulus Analysis; Governor's Budget Proposal for FY10

February 2, 2009

The U.S. House of Representatives passed their version of the stimulus bill yesterday, and while the Senate now has their own version under consideration. I've attached a side-by-side analysis of the two versions, which we reeived from AASHTO this morning. Note that the House adopted several amendments before passing their version that ended up changing some of the points I...


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